One Year With Mark Wester – My Blogoversary

It has been a crazy long time since I published my last post and I owe you an apology for disappearing so long. There’s been a lot of things going on in my life lately and I have just noticed that I haven’t actually posted anything for 2 weeks! But I finally got some timeContinue reading “One Year With Mark Wester – My Blogoversary”

Best Jobs For People With OCD – Why We Should Stop Generalizing

Have you ever wondered about what the best career options could be for a person living with OCD? Well, if you google “best jobs for someone with OCD”, you will find a crazy number of articles that are trying to give an answer to your question. And most of them will suggest you jobs thatContinue reading “Best Jobs For People With OCD – Why We Should Stop Generalizing”

When OCD Is Holding You Back – 7 Barriers Preventing You From Achieving Your Goals

Have you ever felt like your life was going nowhere? It is a terrible feeling that I am sure most of us have from time to time. There are times when you just do not know what you want to do with your life. Days when you feel that you are stuck in a jobContinue reading “When OCD Is Holding You Back – 7 Barriers Preventing You From Achieving Your Goals”

Don’t Tell Me Others Have It Worse

Others have it worse. Has this sentence ever made anyone feel better? I do not think so. Yet, I am sure that all of us have already been told at least once in our lifetime that millions of our fellow human beings go through so much more suffering than we do. As if thinking aboutContinue reading “Don’t Tell Me Others Have It Worse”

Winter Blues & OCD – How To Survive A Winter In Lockdown?

Do you have the winter blues? Well, you are not alone with that. I have always found it challenging to survive the long and dark winters of my country but I get the feeling that this year, it’s going to be more difficult than it has ever been because in winter 2020, freezing weather andContinue reading “Winter Blues & OCD – How To Survive A Winter In Lockdown?”

OCD – A Creative Disorder

Is there a link between OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and creativity? This is a question I have been wondering about for a long time but I haven’t been able to find a definite answer to it yet. I have always considered myself as a creative person but is my creativity a sign of OCD? OrContinue reading “OCD – A Creative Disorder”

Catastrophic Thinking – Living In The Shadow Of Disaster or Life Is Like A Fairy Tale

Has it ever happened to you that your partner did not answer your call and you got extremely worried because you thought he got into a car accident? Have you ever self-diagnosed yourself with a terrifying disease just because you felt a little bit more tired than usual? Have you ever been afraid of gettingContinue reading “Catastrophic Thinking – Living In The Shadow Of Disaster or Life Is Like A Fairy Tale”

Why Excessive Hand Washing Is Not My Main “OCD Problem” During The Pandemic

What is it like to live with OCD in times of a pandemic? Well, every person has their own answer to this question and I think it is time to share mine. The other day, I was reading through articles about OCD in the age of COVID-19 and one thing I noticed was that theContinue reading “Why Excessive Hand Washing Is Not My Main “OCD Problem” During The Pandemic”

How To Keep Sane While Working From Home?

Am I the only person who literally hates working from home? Probably not. There is plenty of articles on the internet about the advantages of remote working but this time I will talk about its disadvantages. I know home working has its own benefits, of course but it isn’t for everyone. Let’s take me asContinue reading “How To Keep Sane While Working From Home?”

Mark’s List – 7 Things To Drink Instead Of Alcohol

What to drink instead of alcohol? Now, that is a good question! For the last few months, I have been trying to cut back on drinking and I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way but I have to tell you that it is a pretty difficult thing to do!Continue reading “Mark’s List – 7 Things To Drink Instead Of Alcohol”