How To Keep Sane While Working From Home?

Am I the only person who literally hates working from home? Probably not. There is plenty of articles on the internet about the advantages of remote working but this time I will talk about its disadvantages. I know home working has its own benefits, of course but it isn’t for everyone. Let’s take me asContinue reading “How To Keep Sane While Working From Home?”

Does Keeping Yourself Busy Help With OCD?

I have been thinking a lot about this question lately and I realized that there’s one thing that I got completely wrong – I used to think that keeping myself busy was the only way to fight OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and I guess I have kind of “overdone” it. Please do not get meContinue reading “Does Keeping Yourself Busy Help With OCD?”

4 Chronotypes – Confessions Of A Wolf

I have always had trouble waking up early in the morning. When I was a child, my parents used to tell me that one day I would get used to getting up early but here I am. 27 years old and despite the fact that I’ve been forced to be an early riser for mostContinue reading “4 Chronotypes – Confessions Of A Wolf”

Laziness Does Not Exist – 10 Reasons Why We Procrastinate

Why do we put things off so much? I have been thinking a lot about this question lately as a few weeks ago, I was supposed to start working on a project that I did not particularly like so what did I do? Obviously, I just kept putting it off till the last minute –Continue reading “Laziness Does Not Exist – 10 Reasons Why We Procrastinate”

Coping with OCD at work

Has it ever happened to you that you just had to check your sent emails to make sure you had not written anything stupid to anyone? Well, I guess many of us might have had similar worries but it does not mean that all of us are a “little bit OCD“. Simply because Obsessive CompulsiveContinue reading “Coping with OCD at work”