OCD & Humor – Is Life A Tragedy..Or A Comedy?

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is no laughing matter. It is a devastating mental disorder that can easily turn one’s life into a living hell. But that does not mean we cannot use a little bit of humor to cope with this terrifying disorder. While OCD itself is far from being funny, the situations that can arise from dealing with it can often be hilarious.

Do not get me wrong – I am not telling you that from now on, you should just laugh at all your intrusive thoughts or at your compulsions, because we all know that it would not be possible. But looking at a scary situation from a humorous perspective helps reduce anxiety.


I think OCD and the boggart from the Harry Potter series have a lot in common. Both of them are scary monsters that have a lot of different faces. The boggart always takes on the form of it’s observer’s biggest fear. Ron Weasley’s boggart was a spider and to Neville Longbottom, this monster would appear in the form of Severus Snape.

So, am I the only one who thinks that it is a little bit like OCD? I mean, some are afraid of contamination, while others are worried about causing harm to their loved ones. But all of us have one thing in common: we are all haunted by a boggart called OCD.

And as those who have read the Harry Potter books (or watched the movies) probably know, that the best way to fight the boggart is laughing at it. But could laughing help us with OCD too?

I really think it could. Laughing at myself has been one of the best ways for me to deal with my mental illnesses for the last few years. Obviously, it is not something that I can always do. It is pretty hard to tell in which exact situations it works and in which cases it does not work. But…let me try to explain you the way I feel and I hope it will help some of you.

Drunk or Sober?

Now, I am not sure if any of you has ever had the same impression but I think that living with OCD can often feel like being either constantly drunk. There are moments when you are just completely wasted. Moments, when your intrusive thoughts are stronger than you are – when you cannot stop thinking about things that may be completely irrational (and you may even know that they are irrational). When you know that you do not want to jump off that cliff but you’re just unable to get rid of your disturbing thoughts. Or when you just cannot stop checking if you locked the door even though, you kind of remember you did. It really feels like being drunk. But it’s a different kind of drunkenness. You are intoxicated by your own thoughts (instead of a nice bottle of Chardonnay..that would obviously feel much nicer).

And you really want to get sober. But there’s always that terrifying “what if” in the back of your mind. What if your thoughts are real? What if you actually want to die or you actually want to harm someone you love? You know that you do not want to act on all your crazy thoughts but this terrible what if will not let you escape them.

When you are in this “drunk” stage (sorry, I think I will keep calling it like that), it is next to impossible for you to think rationally. And I think these are the moments when laughing at yourself is not an option. In such situations, all the irrational OCD thoughts can seem so real. Sometimes I am afraid of forgetting how to speak – and let’s admit, this thought is pretty unrealistic and hilarious – but when my OCD gets bad, I will not be able to explain myself that this idea is a complete nonsense, instead of that I will just immediately have to talk to someone to prove that I can still remember how to speak.

But then, there are the moments when you are kind of…sober. It does not mean that your OCD is gone but there are periods when you just feel better. And when you look back at the things you have done or have thought about, you are like ” OMG, I was out of my mind”. It is not like having a blackout or something because you can perfectly remember every single thing your OCD forced you to do and every single thought you were so worried about. But when you’re “sober”, all of them just seem to be..so unreal and ridiculous. And these are the perfect moments for having a good laugh about yourself.

I guess most of us have a few OCD stories. And some of these stories can be pretty funny. Like, once I was terribly afraid of shouting obscene words while travelling on the train. Obviously, it was a shocking, scary experience to me at that time and if someone started laughing at me, I think I would have possibly slapped the person (okay, maybe not literary but you get the point: I would not have liked it…). But when I “got sober” and replayed the whole scene in my head I realized how crazy it was. And I started laughing at it. Like just imagine this whole situation, is it not crazy that a guy is afraid of shouting weird stuff while he does not actually want to do that. And even though he knows he does not want to do it, he is still afraid that he might do it?

Another story from a years back. I used to be afraid of going shopping because I was like “what if I steal something”. I obviously did not want to but you know how it is. What if you see something nice, lose control and…uh la la ..it happens? I was afraid of the temptation. You can never know when you get hypnotized by a beautiful pair of Armani shoes and you just want to grab them..and run away with them. So, I decided not to take any risks and not to go to any fancy stores. At that time, it was obviously a terrible feeling to me because of all the stress and anxiety. But again, looking back at it is pretty hilarious.

Or there is my friend who used to be afraid of giving her credit card to a random stranger and telling them the PIN code. She obviously did not want to do it but she was terribly afraid of losing control and actually acting on her intrusive thoughts. And she couldn’t laugh at these thoughts when she was having that terrible anxiety that OCD can give you. But when she managed to calm herself down, she would always make fun of the situation.

Obviously, it is not a nice thing to laugh at other people’s OCD stories without their “permission” Like…it kind of depends on the situation. In the moments when OCD is taking over me, I would feel terribly offended if someone was laughing at the way I felt. But when I feel better, I will often tell my friends about my weird OCD stories and honestly, I do not mind if they have a good laugh about it because sometimes, me too I find them pretty funny.

And it does not only help me cope with this horrible disorder but it is also a good way of raising awareness. A lot of people still think that OCD is a kind of cleaning disorder but it is so much more surprising and creative than that. If OCD was an actual person, I think it (or he or she….) would possibly win an award for being so creative and resourceful as it can always come up with ideas you’d have never thought about.

And while it’s often difficult to laugh at it, I think we should really try to make as much fun of it as we are possibly able to. Life is short and it’s hard to escape the OCD monster so the least we can do is try to enjoy ourselves as much as we can.

Finally, as the Joker said.

“I thought my life was a tragedy but now I realized it is a comedy”

Further Reading

16 thoughts on “OCD & Humor – Is Life A Tragedy..Or A Comedy?

    1. Yes, I totally agree with you! 🙂 I always try to laugh as much as I can 😀 now, with sleeping it’s a different story because I have always been a night owl and…kind of never get a good night sleep hahah 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I cannot even tell you how much I like your blog. I was diagnosed with OCD only 2 months ago (I had it for a while as I had hand-washing compulsions in high school but it started going crazy 1 year and a half ago). Since my diagnosis, I think I went through every mood swings possible (glad to be diagnosed, upset, scared, etc.). I read a lot about OCD (kind of wondering if I don’t do it “too much”…) until now but I really enjoyed reading your blog, the way you talk about OCD and how much I can relate to most of what you write about! I never stop finding articles that look promising. This article made me feel especially good, laughing about it is something I want to try! So thank you for your hard work! I know the road to recovery is a long one but it gives me hope!
    Thank you from France!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Athena,

      I am so glad to hear that you like my blog and find it helpful. It really means a lot to me that there are people out there who understand the way I feel and who like reading my articles.

      I can totally relate to you – I’ve been through a lot of mood swings – sometimes my OCD gets better, sometimes it gets worse. At the moment, I am going through a more difficult period due to the COVID situation but I think I am not alone with this.

      And well yes – I think that laughing about OCD is a great way to deal with it. Of course it is sometimes difficult like there are moments in my life when I just find it impossible to make fun of my thoughts no matter how crazy they are but there are times when I feel more relaxed and I can actually laugh about my obsessions.

      The road to recovery is indeed a long one but over the years, one can really learn to keep OCD under control. As you can see on my blog, I haven’t managed to fully overcome my OCD but I feel much much better nowadays than I did a few years ago.

      Thank you for reading my blog and if you need someone to talk to, I am here.

      Take care,



      1. Hi Mark,

        I’m so sorry for this very late reply. Feeling like someone understands and experiences the same things as I do is a wonderful feeling so thanks again for sharing your articles with us!

        I really hope that you are alright, even if OCD is being nasty right now. And yes, you are not alone in this if that is any comfort!

        You are right! I’ll try to do so too, I’m sure having a good laugh from time to time helps.

        That’s very good to read. I’m glad that you feel much better than a few years ago! And it also gives me hope.

        Take care,



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